Choking Malaysians

2006 and another round!
sigh.....looks like this blog will have its season every year
This site was set up last year after a disgusting bout of smog that left us sick and gasping. And this year it is irritating us all over again. How will we welcome tourists in Visit Malaysia Year 2007? Perhaps with face masks?
We started this blog as a venue, an outlet for people to protest in a creative and peaceful way, and you guys did indeed send us wonderful stuff. We tried sending the site to our Indonesian counterparts but somehow got ignored (not enough pictures kuaaa?) Anyhoo. We open the site again for entries if you'd like to contribute to what we would like to call an on-going pictorial protest.
for those new to the site, here is what you do.
take a pic of yourself or yourfriends, or whoever, or send us your graphics, drawings etc. Give us your name/initials and where you are from, because it's more meaningful yah. Get the ball rolling. Be creative, photoshop away, but even if you're angry, please don't be rude.
Perhaps the authorities would be more inclined to act if they hear all our voices, and not just figures and stats. And we do realise sometimes those who burn have to do it to put food on the table, but it doesn't change the fact that we really bloody hate the haze.
Send your pictures to now,and we will do the rest. Our focus is on the pictorial petition, channel your anger and frustrations creatively. We'll let the pictures sent to us LAST YEAR speak for themselves. (there are more if you click our 'beta site') *update- We are opening up comments again for people to join in our "INDONESIA, RATIFY THE ASEAN HAZE TREATY NOW!"
Till take care..
And forward this to your friends! The Burning Has Got to Stop. Lah.

Yes, it seems to have become an annual event. It seems more serious this year. Hope it rains soon!!!
Yes we welcome your comments (& pictures!!) even if you are not in the Klang Valley! in fact, its a "Malaysian" thing, it kills our health and tourism. its intolerable
Here's another shot from KLCC
BBC News website has some photos.
sorry didn't mean to spam! they cut off my previous comment
This appears to be more than just a national or a bi-national problem, it is a regional (and even international) problem.
Perhaps it is time to remind all our ASEAN neighbours that in June 2002 all ten ASEAN member countries signed the Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution.
The Agreement contains provisions on monitoring, assessment and prevention, technical co-operation and scientific research, mechanisms for coordination, lines of communication, and simplified customs and immigration procedures for disaster relief.
What is the result of this Agreement and where is the "assessment and prevention"?
It is interesting to see what sort of response our region gives to this problem, because without a cooperative approach and with it, international pressure, all we can expect is another piecemeal response from the Indonesian government just as they have done in the past - a hollow promise that they will prosecute the offenders. Too litte too late.
The world is watching us. Its up to us to take the initiative now.
Check out the official ASEAN initiative on haze:
GUYS!! I love you to death for replying so quickly...but i have to remind everyone this is a PICTORIAL PETITION of we love your comments but for stronger impact we would rather have your pictures for support. Your face if possible! Look at our first two pix as an example... And we would like your name/initial, and where you are from. Its not to say words dont count, but combined with a picture of YOU, its stronger that way. we want them to see our faces and reactions. That being said, thanks so much...
There's no use to even try and hide in the office. There are hints of the haze even though I'm on the 8th floor of Wisma IMC. Just horrible. Imagine how bad it is for the haze to have actually crept into the ventilation system of big high rise buildings.
Its just getting worse and worse. Couple with the construction of Midvalley 2 behind my offices, this whole place is just buried in smog. doesn't help that I'm asthmatic...
Laych, will email u some pics soon.
Guys, tho we appreciate all the mails with pictures of the Haze in your area, it's not what we want.
We want to put a face to the picture. So please make sure you send pics with you in it, and initial it with your name etc.
OMG.. izit Indonesia are testing their nuclear weapon or what?
Im not in KL :), so cant help with the photo taking - I did come across this site which may be of interest:,haze/tagmode:all/
Good luck and Ill keep my fingers crossed in Singapore that it does disappear soon!
you can also come to and voice out your anger
Good job. You should provide some guidelines, you know. Maybe specify the size of the photos so it's easy to manage.
keep documenting! thanks for the link-up and to everyone who's tagged their flickr images with both 'haze' and 'malaysia'. keep them coming...
i will try to send a protest image soon!
I'm glad that there are people taking action into this situation.
However, I would like to remind all you guys to be careful.
The burnings are caused by companies from Malaysia who owns the land they are burning in Indonasia... It might not be a Malaysian burning it but Malaysian companies are benefiting from it. They do not control how they do business and Indonasions are not taking action on what's happening in their land.
Who do you want to target your anger to? The companies? The Indonasion government?
But I bet all your/our objectives is the same. No matter who's fault it is, just stop it! :)
check this out :
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Oh.. the haze is getting worse.... its terrible..... the government has to do something bout it. if it means shutting down the whole klang valley (i.e. stop school, stop offices) to absolutely cut down on vehicles on the road for the time being..
Come on, Government of Malaysia, do something!!! and quickly, for once!!!
this is affecting everybody. Apparently there has been 1 fatality due to the haze already. this was because of the poor viz which caused an accident.
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Malaysian plantation firm to pay 1.1 million dlrs over Indonesia haze
It might not be this time round but I highly doubt it.
guys, i know u r angry. but no swear words pls yah. not being anal, its just that this site is being picked up fast. and swear words may just spiral into utter havoc. hope u understand
Help.. I am dying......
I discovered this only today - I will be back with pictures - and my name, and other people's pictures and their names too. This haze has got me in a downward mood cycle, and I don't think I'm the only one. Guess we never really realise how good our weather actually was until this came along. Something has really got to be done!
Good job! Get a Flickr account, it should bring in more visitors.
great shots :)
woohoo i'm in. gonna make more to support. :)
KL, Selangor is very dangerous now...
Leave here now!!!
my comparison at:
i want to cry for my country :(
hi guys. thanks for yr comments n contributions. a reminder to those who are going to send pictures, we would like to have your msg, names/initials and WHERE you are. to those who are just sending us haze pictures only, im sorry we have too many now! cheerz
what an annoying annual visitor...
all of us here in kl, selangor, klang area are suffocating.
u even can smell the 'bau asap' in an air conditioning room.
and i think, everyone should stop smoking. dont worsen the situation, people!
n guess what? fight the whoever who is not doing anything about not jeopardizing our health!
its not just the indons, look at what we are doing to ourselves... we should ahve a public outcry at what OUR own CITIZENS are doing.
I am very concerned with most "haze-haters" that absolutely abhor the cause of the haze in their pictorial demonstrations were not wearing the masks properly and it may have worsening effects.
im sick of it,i get all drousy all the time, i cant focus on work,and i have my midterm exam around the corner, luckily our college gave us some emergency holiday because of the haze! STOP THE BURNING!
why does the Govt have to wait till above 500 API? Once it reached 300, it's alr hazardous... continuing in such bad conditions for a 3 days, is a hazardous as 1 day with 500 API, don't u all think so?
The government MUST ask Indonesian government for compensation!!!
I may not be in M'sia physically but I am as frustrated (and very angry indeed!) as you guys, seeing my fellow M'sians suffering this yearly phenomenon. An apology without action is definitely unacceptable. They should stop the finger-pointing and do something FAST for the sake of humanity!
This is an Annual Affair!
We have been experiencing this every year since 1997. Why is this repeated year after year and no serious action has been taken against the culprits who cause the fire?
If the Indonesian government knows the culprits why do they still allow them to continue their farming activity throughout the year. They should ban this culprits from doing business in such places and bring them to justice.
Our health and live is at stake now. Why do we have to suffer for the profits they make from their farming business.
The biggest questions are:
1. Will we still get this next year around this time?
2. Will there be a concrete action to stop this once and for all?
good on u for starting this pictorial petition. i've sent my picture protest over already :)
Omigosh! Mama mia! While em' folks were haggling o'er Datin R's AP boo-boo, ta API wuz creepin' up.
Bingo! At 500 someone woke up & declare an emergency- it's pure apathy-lah. Year in n' year out tis' bloody haze com n' go. Let's wait for people to start droppin' dead along Fed H'way. Then the garmen will wake up.......
Pure apathy, tsk-tsk......
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All talk and no action by the Governments of ASEAN? As if global warming due to the burning of fossil fuels was bad enough, now you have annual forest and peatland fires. Pray for rain, and lots of it. Then you can pray for a solution to the acid rain (carbonic acid, that is).
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BAR COUNCIL! what u guys doing??? sue someone dammit. just gonna sit back while they screw us??!!
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Shouldn't someone organise a trip to the Indon Embassy to hand a protest note??
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Good idea!
Linked you from the MMR
Hi, Like Meldarlyne, im from pg too, but on the mainland. every evening, there is a major OAB going on at the USM campus. I am always there. I just want to thank USM for "Participating" in "Helping" the haze problem.
Also, when i go back at night, there is a construction area in Bukit Minyak just at the traffic light going towards Auto City that contributes too. Is there any number we can call to put these out? again, would like to shout out THANK U USM FOR THE HELP!!
i guess they think its not here yet, so its ok. idiots
Dont care who they are. catch em, torture the, and fry em.
tie them to a burnt tree, douse them with gasoline and torch em.
hi there, stumbled on your blog at PPS. If you wanna gripe about the haze more, go to's pretty cool!
why are some people smiling behind the mask!!
It's NOT fun or cool. it's DISTRESSING!
come on guys, where's the demostration ???
i'm not sure how true is it. but the Indon authorities had put this embargo before. they claimed that actually its the Malaysian businessmen that went there for their land asking the Indon workers to do it.
how true?
nobody knows.
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hi im also using blogspot,i cant tand the haze too its like flooding the sch on Wednesday,im from SMK Subang Utama,n its a good idea to set this blog up,even the newspapers has recognize this blog,keep the protest up untill something happens!P.U.S.H. Pray untill something happens
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wah wah angry all the people in here..look peeps, i'm just as pissed off as u guys regarding the way the indonesian gov handles this issue but i dont think n e one here has a rite to slag off our government.. i think that our gov is doing the best they can in handling this haze issue..sure, i'd luv to stay in Pak Lah's "air-conditioned palace" but u know wut? as a malaysian i'm more at home doing what i'm supposed to do for my country..and that's doing my job..we can go on rambling how disfunctional things are..but at the end of the day why not do something about it rather than being a moaning-ninie? by the way i've noticed a few racist-like comments in chinese dialects slamming the gov..wut u wud think the situataion would be all rosy if Lim Goh Tong was PM? come on la..It's Malaysia so act as Malaysians and think about others b4 ur fingers dance away on ur keyboards..30362404
i agree wif resonable racist n anonymous,we should not just type out f words,its no help,just protest in a 'reasonable' swear words free way like the pics,oh ya n resonable racist,its on todays star newspaper on page 8
"Minister: Malaysian firms in Indonesia among culprits"
Quoting "Indonesian Forestry Minister Malam Sambat Kaban said 10 Malaysian-owned companies operating in the region were among the culprits."
Nicely said, Indon minister... Malaysians are always the ones to blame, huh?
Im not from KL but from Melaka. Its great to find a place to post our woes. Though I want to say that half the time we Malaysians are at fault too. Just look at the Kampungs, Schools, Estates and even Government departments doing open burning when it has been banned so long ago. What use is the law if there is no enforcement? just useless.
Please please PLEASE report any form of open burning to the department of environment when you see it. Dont just dismiss it because its small. Remember that it is many many small and afew big fires that have caused this haze. If its a government department or a school, try and get a photograph with the name and address as clear as possible and send it to the newspapers.
The problem with Malaysians is our 'tidak apa' attitude. We need a big crisis for any action.
We are deleting entries where swear words/insensitive comments have come up. Keep it clean and reasonable folks.
the haze is terrible, bla bla bla. sure is easy to blame others.
why dont we start doing something locally here ... like getting our own people to STOP open burning, STOP smoking, STOP using older vehicles that emit dangerous amounts of CO, bla bla bla ...
show others you really mean to do something to put an end to the death of the earth.
Guys, all these whinnings will come to nought if no concrete action is formulated. C'mon, where is that 'Malaysia Boleh!' spirit? Let's stop whinning & hassle some ngos to take on the matter.
Any takers??
HazeHaters- didn't realise that my use of Singlish was offensive. Wasn't my intention to do so. But, was aiming at lightening up the issue with a touch of humour from across the causeway. My apologies........
I think the best solution is constant monitoring by our authorities and at the same time, crucial informations such as API readings should be made daily from now. It is not nice for news agency like BBC to pick this annoying issue and started to blame our government for lackdaisal attitude. Everybody must do it's part and our law enforcers must act without fear or favour. Just don't create JAS as a useless enforcement body. Give them more clout if needed.
There is nothing to fear for being truthful. Why wait until someone point their fingers to us, embarrasing, isn't it?
To the Indonesian Government, no more excuses, we have enough of breathing "second hand smoke, bigtime"
You are basically deleting anything critical of our government, or anger directed at the indons
Ok, ok, here's a brilliant suggestion! Why don't we buy giant fans and plant it all along our western shores facing Indonesia! When the haze comes near, we blow it all back to them!!! Make them choke instead!! Then maybe they'll stop burning!
Don't think we have to justify what we delete or what we don't. We're all in the same boat here. You can write whatever you want as long as its tasteful and with good reason. Like we have said, the world is watching, please understand. Thanks.
I wonder what would happen when a few millions Indons fart at the same time at the very same spot the fire is raging now?
With enough methane gas that could suck the oxygen out of the fire and put them out immediately.
No need cloud seeding one, very artificial. Except for sore buttocks. I suggest feeding them beans now!
How unreasonable you are? You even deleted my most valuable and educational advice to young bloggers and aspiring writers not to simply write rubbish on the internet although it's free to speak. and not speak of hate and sentiments of hatred and extremism as the title suggests.
you very free? school holidays izzit?
ok since this is your site, i'll have to respect the fact that you are the moderator. anyway, keep up the good work, esp with the photo petition.
Oh no!!!!!!!!!
Emergency!Emergency! The haze has struck Penang just within 1 hour!!!! What about the concert tomorrow?
Must we, Malaysians, suffer this every single year?
Malaysia has been declared Independence like 48 years ago. Are we totally free from foreign atrocities?
It seems like every single year, Indonesia will have this burning ritual. And we Malaysia has to suffer. When the situation becomes worse, Malaysia has to send its people to Indonesia to help, to put out the fire, every single time. Indonesia may be taking Malaysia for granted. I don't know. They're too poor to justify themselves.
Either we expect the haze season every single year or really help the poor farmers in Indonesia. Since their own government is too poor to even distribute incentives to the farmers, perhaps Malaysia should start looking into buying the haze-incited lands in Indonesia. Then change the farmers profession. If we own the land, we'll make them do craftworks, batiks or etc in the name of Malaysia and we sell it internationally. Wahaha..
Or if the culprits who incited the burning are Malaysian companies (as claimed by the indonesian government), we should prosecute them. Let's do public humiliation,
I may not talk right at the moment. I'm feeling very drowsy from the haze.
I suggest you haters wear your masks properly, first of all buy the correct mask. buy the cone type n95 respitory mask.
If you have to use the surgical mask, pls note that there are 3 folded layer for you to pull completely under your chin and bend the upper part flexible insert to the shape of your nose.
Inevitable that such situation will occurs one day. The whole globe is polluted by the burning of fossil fuels, industrialisation & over-population has caused the Indons to burn more land in order to cultivate........
In this age of globalisation, developed countries had drafted the Kyoto Protocol to cope with the Greenhouse effect. Likewise, Asean needs to have similar approach to the haze issue.
Question is, why has Asean failed miserably in this?? Do we need to see Malaysians falling dead by the roadsides? Why debate about Free Trade Agreements & APs when the lives of the rakyat are at risk? Are cars & APs more important than the rakyats??
im sherly from pj
i been suffering for this stupid haze for few days,few days i been vomit,headache,hard to breath,watering eyes,coughing like hell n sore a teenagers i dun mind i suffer,but can u pls think bout the small kids n old ppl?they r suffering too,my kindergarten those kids r so suffering!!!they vomit,they cried,they scareD!they just 4-6 years old kids n u think they know anything bout haze?they didnt!!!they folo wat the parents n teachers advise n wear the mask,they sad n kept asking y cant go to playground to play?
pls,no more burning!!!PLS STOP!!!no matter indo goverment or malaysian companies,pls listen here!!!U R MAKING PPL SUFFER WHILE U GAINING UR MONEY!!!is this wat u wan?can u pls think bout others?do u feel happy when u c others suffering cos of U?
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I wish George Bush Nuke Indonesia instead of Iran.
Indonesian are always the cause, they didnt take the initiative to fix the problem. Every year there is a big issue regarding haze crisis. IF indonesian government knows every year there is this kinf of case...why dont they take the chance to catch who is doing the massive burning in open area ?
Anyone knows why indonesian government is like this ? I guess it's all because of $$$. Fog you indonesian. You are putting as at the edge of the 100 floors building.
*news flash*
Forest fires in Indonesia are mostly caused by Malaysian owned companies.
think: Use your brain-ler. You think ALL of them are caused by Malaysian companies?? They're just scapegoat. It is because of CORRUPTION of the Indon Government that all those who burn the fields gets away with it.
Furthermore, the INDON GOV MUST BE RESPONSIBLE for their action since it's their freakin country to govern. What's the point of passing the buck?? If they can't handle their country, maybe they should let BN take over it and Indonesia becomes a Malaysian colonial!!! Bah!!
G'day and Salam sejahtera,
Now I'm in KL and really affected with this phenomenon... Like getting asthma now. Smoke and smoke everywhere.
Hopefully everybody can also support our campaign "STOPHAZE! By Malaysian Words". Hopefully to collect up to 1000 post link and spread our words to the world. Any volunteer out the there? Appreciate if you can promote and update it too.
Yes, we can STOPHAZE! Just send this message to them. We don’t want to do this annually. So we need loud and clearer message this time. STOPHAZE! @
We are definitely not "Indon haters", we have said time and again that we are protesting against the haze and whoever that's causing it. In fact it is regrettable that we should be frantically monitoring the comments side of things when all we wanted was more pictorial protests. That was, and IS still our aim. If we could request for the people who have given your comments to send in a picture instead, it would be much appreciated. Or Hazehaters may just have to shut down its "blog" style site and quickly shift to just displaying pictures.
Once again, we know you are angry, we are too. There are plenty of avenues and places to voice out your rage. This site, was meant for the pictures. We seek your understanding and support.
*Peace & understanding*
To everyone reading..
I can't help but to also blame Indonesia and Indonesians sbout this haze catostrophy.But I've came to realise that I can't be enemies with them just because of this( I have a few Indon friends).I hope to the rest out there with Indon friends, understand how they feel as I'm sure they are also unhappy and sorry about the situation here.Take good care of your health everyone out there.Loads of H20 and use up your air conditions if u have one.
-Praying for my family in Port Klang-
"""Forest fires in Indonesia are mostly caused by Malaysian owned companies""" by think.
i strictly DONT agree this haze cause by burning of plantation by malaysian companies. Even if it is done by own malaysian company WHY dont indonesian government take a strict action on it before it happens ??? WHY ?? I know because they want to earn some bucks for themself.
IT's INdonesian government faullt and not Malaysian's fault. Just because indonesian government dont want their worker to lose any job so they closed one eye and allowed the burning to keep going on and on until they effected malaysia. ALL CORRUPTED MINISTERS IN INDONESIA
Both Malaysian & Indon government should take heed - the have to work together to stop this once and for all... enuf of this haze. Come up with Forest Fire Action Plan, punish severely those responsible, do whatever!! JUST DO! The economic cost, health cost and environment impact is too much to bear... someone's gotta pay for all this; and it better not be our children and grand-children.
Of course it is Malaysians fault as well. I see alot of hate on this blog, but what can you do when you have 'hate' as the title of the blog. I am very very sad as a Malaysian today when I read this blog.
Malaysians are to be blamed for some of these. If Malaysian companies are involved in the burning, and there are evidence to it, then those Malaysians are responsible just like those Indonesians are responsible for their part.
Comments like 90% of all Indons does not help, what it does proof is Malaysia is inheritedly full of racist people and for that I am not proud to call myself a Malaysian today.
You think rape only done by Indons ah? You think Malaysians never commit crime ah? You think all Indons never think about others - so Malaysians do ah? I am a Malaysian and I know that many Malaysians do not care about others as well.
Before we hantam Indonesia again, take a look at ourselves.
First point: Malaysia deserves the haze. Our plantation companies (probably GLCs) undoubtedly have something to do with the haze. We invest in Indonesian palm estates and have our hands dirty:
Second point: When the government talks about the biodiesel miracle (or whatever it is called), it is forgetting or at least conveniently forgetting to tell the Malaysian population that to get the biodiesel while maintaining supplies for other uses, you either increase yields or plant more palms.
Yield increase is dictated by technological limits. So planting more palm trees is more plausible. And where do we plant them? By clearing more rainforests. And what’s the fastest way to do it? Fire. And where is the cheapest place to do it? Indonesia.
Bye bye rainforests age millions of years, indigenous cultures, the Sumatran Rhino and the orang utan in Borneo. Hello more employment opportunity, haze, biodiesel megabucks.
That's what we are good at. Demanding other people to apologize, but refusing to look at our ownselves.
Grow up Malaysia.
I am a Malaysian.
And I'm disappointed that most people, including this blog owner is accusing, directly or indirectly insinuating that Indonesia, its government and its people, that are at fault.
What haze treaty? Our Malaysian government linked corporations and KLSE listed companies are involved here.
Why don't we all SELL of our positions in these commodity/agriculture companies? Call up your brokers now and put your money where your mouth is.
Or why not write leters to your fund managers like EPF, Amanah Saham, private mutual funds and insurance companies to boycott these companies?
You think some coffee shops meeting in Singapore or Jakarta can solve this problem? As long as there is demand for cheap palm oil in very cheap Indonesia, how can you not expect the Indonesian authorities to "close one eye"?
As long as our Malaysian interest feeds the corruption and employment of Indon government officials, how can you expect these people to enforece a ban?
Everytime we have some problem in Malaysia, we blame our neighbours. Singapore for stealing our water and money. Indonesia for brining in TB, causing crime, spreading disease etc. Bangladeshis for stealing the women.
When in fact these nations pour in investment into our country, provide cheap labour to wash our backsides and feed us, keep our teh tarik cheap and slave in our factories/estates.
Talk is cheap. We bunch of hypocrites.
if you want real responsible action, why don't launch a similar pictoral campaign for Malaysian plantation companies?
You need my help in listing them out?
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